Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pay it forward this holiday season

My husband and I had tickets to a show at the Performing Arts Center on Dec. 11 and we decided to have dinner at the Glacier Brewhouse beforehand. During dinner, I noticed a couple sitting near us were taking selfies of each other and their desserts. I asked my husband if he could offer to take their picture together — he was sitting closer. He gladly did and they were delighted. As he was clicking away, I prodded him to include the desserts on the table since it appeared they had ordered one of everything — what a grand idea! They thanked us and we briefly chatted.

Maybe it was because we were warm and cozy sitting by the fireplace inside, while outside it was cold and dark, but for a brief moment we felt a warm connection with the couple. They paid their bill and on their way out they stopped to thank us again for helping to make their night more memorable.

When it came time for us to leave, to our pleasant surprise, we learned that the couple had paid for our entire meal. This generous act of kindness brought a few tears of joy to my eyes, and reminded me just how powerful an act of kindness can be. My husband and I would like to thank the lovely couple who made our evening more memorable. If you have an opportunity to pay it forward this season, please do; we plan to.

— David and Debbie Roll


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