Letters to the Editor

Letter: Believe your eyes

“Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” This line from a Marx Brothers movie is the choice Alaskans face now regarding the Jan. 6 insurrection. On the same day, Fox News host Laura Ingraham texted White House chief of staff Mark Meadows: “This is hurting all of us … he is destroying his legacy.” She then went on the air to claim the Capitol was: “Under siege by people who can only be described as antithetical to the MAGA movement.”

Makes one wonder: Exactly who are the “us” along with Ms. Ingraham who are being hurt? Then we see “with our own eyes” our supposed “law and order” congressman, Don Young, vote not to recommend Mark Meadows for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer a congressional subpoena seeking to find the truth. So, who are you gonna believe, them or what you saw with your own eyes?

— Lynn Willis

Eagle River

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