Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep the mask mandate for schools

As the end of the year is approaching, I have been reflecting on the events of the year and the very different mindset I have now compared to the year before. The end of last year was full of hope. With the COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out, I felt the end of the pandemic was within reach. Fast-forward to now, and we are once again living in the shadow of the unknown of what the new virus variant may bring. Omicron is spreading fast, doubling every 2-3 days, and will soon overtake the delta variant.

Our state weathered a brutal delta variant surge this fall. We barely started seeing the downward trend and our hospitals finally have some relief. However, we have a very narrow margin when it comes to hospital capacity. Virus transmission remains high in the community. Omicron is highly transmissible, and even if it turns out that the illness it is causing is less severe, it has the potential to overrun our health care system in Alaska and nationwide. If anyone needs a glimpse into our future should just look at what’s happening in the UK or in many states in the Lower 48.

While these new events are unfolding the Anchorage School District informs parents that masks will no longer be mandated but will rather be the parent’s choice after kids return following the winter break. This announcement and decision by the District is at best tone-deaf. The primary purpose of the mask is to protect others, not the wearer. Masks work best when everyone wears them. At the same time, schools are not mandating the COVID vaccination to children that is now available for everyone over age 5. The overlap of those who don’t vaccinate and don’t want to wear the mask is high.

We live in a society that argues for the individual’s freedom of choice while not only ignoring the good of the whole but also endangering the most vulnerable. Superintendent Deena Bishop’s decision to allow children attend school unmasked will undoubtedly cause harm. By catering to a loud minority, she’s putting the lives of children, their families and teachers at risk who may be immunocompromised or have chronic conditions.

Additionally, the timing of this decision is terrible. Who in their right mind would think it is time to drop the masks when health officials are urging wearing masks indoors? Does Superintendent Bishop need a reminder that the last time we had the same level of high community transmission our schools were closed and kids were learning remotely? I want to keep kids in the classrooms; Bishop doesn’t seem to. Her decision will lead to outbreaks that will force kids to periodically quarantine due to exposure or isolate if they get infected. Absence from school will have them fall further behind and will disproportionately impact low-income families.

I’m deeply disappointed and troubled by this unsound decision. I hope that others will raise their voices in support of keeping the mask mandate in Anchorage’s schools.

Dr. Szilvia Salamon


Family practice physician


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