Letters to the Editor

Letter: Finding a scapegoat

This is based on my experience with the fluctuation of salmon prices, simple economics and upside-down politics. In the past year or so our country, and in fact the rest of the world, has gone through record-breaking disasters. The scientists have a hard time chalking up this phenomenon as being natural. They say that the record-breaking heat, wildfires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes that destroy farms, factories, stores, warehouses, forests, etc., are due to climate change largely caused by man-made pollution. Now the simple economics shows that supply and demand determines the price of products. If supply is low and demand is essential, we will have inflation.

Now, of course, we have to blame someone. Let’s all get on the bandwagon and blame the guy who listens and believes science and tries his best to do something about climate change, not to mention the pandemic, and see if we can lower his approval ratings below 42%! It is hard to believe that one guy from the previous administration could do so much damage to so many politicians and voters’ ability to reason and compromise.

— Floyd Peterson


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