Letters to the Editor

Letter: True kindness

I do not eat animals out of simple kindness and compassion, qualities I was taught as a child in church. Christmas is meant to be a return to innocence, where the lost causes of Earth are the true causes of heaven. There is no greater cause than defending the oppressed.

The alliance of church and politics degrades the church to where “… everything that was going on there was the greatest blasphemy, and a mockery of the same Christ in whose name it was all being done.” (Leo Tolstoy, Resurrection). True religion is not blind adherence to ancients texts — it is the protecting of those persecuted by religion.  

A church that preaches love and mercy while saying it’s OK to kill animals for enjoyment is a church I want no part of. I would be proud to spend eternity rotting in darkness, in chains, for protecting the innocent. Please celebrate the holidays without food or gifts of animal flesh. It will help to make the season one of kindness and peace.

— Thomas Harrison Morse


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