Letters to the Editor

Letter: Yukon TV accessibility issues

In my opinion, GCI’s Yukon TV app is not accessible to blind or visually impaired customers. I have been trying for several weeks to use the options provided by the company. The only interface they offer that might work for me as a blind person is the Evo Pro. That’s because it’s the only one that offers a remote control with a numeric keypad. No other option they provide has that feature.

So far, I have been unable to make the Evo Pro work. The only answer I can come up with is that it is incompatible with my television.  

I bring this to your attention because I can’t believe I’m the only blind person in Alaska having this problem. I’m still working with GCI to find a solution. It may be necessary for more of us to speak up to ensure that the corporate decision-makers are aware that it’s not just one person shouting into the void.

— Justin Oldham


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