Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks, Murkowski

A big thank-you to our senior senator, Lisa Murkowski, for helping navigate the bipartisan infrastructure bill through the Senate. This is the largest construction bill to come out of Washington, D.C. in the past 80 years, and we Alaskans will benefit mightily. Just like Sen. Ted Stevens, who delivered so much for Alaska, Sen. Murkowski worked with both sides of the aisle to come up with the final bill. Uncle Ted would have been proud.

Still, many of our friends and neighbors haven’t come to realize the magnitude of this legislation and its impact on our state. Five billion dollars in road, ferry, port, broadband, airport, water and sewer, and alternative energy funding for Alaska. This investment will gift to future Alaskans better communication, transportation, and healthier communities throughout the state. Not to be missed are also the thousands of jobs that these projects will create for young Alaskans.

Sen. Dan Sullivan and Congressman Don Young also deserve credit for moving beyond partisan fences and voting for the bill. They, too, recognized how significant this legislation is for Alaska. Most of the credit, however, goes to Sen. Murkowski — her skills and patience negotiating with the administration and fellow senators succeeded in fulfilling her promises to work for all of us.

— John Levy


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