Letters to the Editor

Letter: Infrastructure win

I would just like to congratulate our Republican delegation in Congress for voting yes on the infrastructure bill. This bill greatly benefits the state of Alaska. In these divisive times, they put aside politics and did what was best for Alaska, just like Sen. Ted Stevens — “Uncle Ted” — would have done.

I would especially like to thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski for helping craft the bill and really looking out for Alaska’s special needs. Rep. Don Young also deserves credit for his guidance in the House.

Even though I normally align with the opposite side of the aisle, I thought it was important to give credit to them, as they did the job they were elected to do. Any criticism is totally unjustified.

I am also happy to hear that Sen. Murkowski is running for reelection. As I said, we do have differing opinions on a few issues, but she always fights for Alaska and isn’t a party hack. I thought it was pretty telling that her opponent for reelection, Kelly Tshibaka, said the bill gives Alaska crumbs. It just proves Tshibaka is a carpetbagger who has no idea what’s happening in Alaska.

— Michael Henrich


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