Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thank you, Assembly members

I want to share a sincere thank-you to the Anchorage Assembly for passing reasonable and limited masking restrictions to help our community fight the spread of COVID-19. During the course of trying to pass an ordinance the Assembly was faced with almost unfathomable hatred, threats of violence and delay tactics. This dilatory behavior forced the Assembly to pass the measure via an emergency ordinance process.

It is sad and inexcusable that some of those opposed to masking, once the political argument was lost, resorted to actions that made the Assembly Chambers themselves feel unsafe — both because of the threat of spreading COVID in the chambers, and because of incidents of racist and antisemitic behavior.

To those who voted in favor of the restrictions, our family thanks you. You correctly represented the vast majority of Anchorage residents who don’t mind the nuisance of wearing a piece of cloth on our faces in public settings if it might save the lives of another. We will remember all of you who stood up to the bullying and did the right thing, just as we will remember those who provoked and empowered unacceptable behavior.

— Scott Kendall


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Scott Kendall

Scott Kendall served as chief of staff under Gov. Bill Walker. He is now an attorney in private practice.