Letters to the Editor

Letter: Library budget shenanigans

Library budget shenanigansIn the mayor’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2022, there is a proposal to transfer the Anchorage Public Library to a division in Parks and Recreation, instead of it existing as its own department as it does now. Curious, until we dig further into it.

That would put the library under the care of Parks and Recreation. That also means that the library director would be appointed directly, without needing approval by the Assembly.

I have to question why the mayor wants to have the library under his thumb so much. Is he afraid of residents using librarians as guides to find nonpartisan, unbiased information? Or does he want an appointee director to weaken the library system in general?

I ask Mayor Dave Bronson to please stop messing with the library. Nominate a director who is a librarian. Let the Anchorage Public Library do its job and serve the people of the municipality.

— Cheryl Lovegreen


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