Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keeping one another safe

This week, I wrote to Mayor Dave Bronson after seeing him speak on social media against the recently introduced mask mandate ordinance. I asked him to support this to protect our medical resources and our citizens.

Despite the platform on which he ran, it is possible to change course. The delta variant is different, and we are in the midst of a serious public health crisis. I wrote, “It is possible to state support for guidelines in your own way by recognizing that our city is suffering. You can communicate that effectively and explain why it’s necessary with our current circumstances. You have a responsibility to protect the people of Anchorage, and to put plans in place to slow the spread of this virus.”

My advanced German class is working on a unit about politics, and its core essence struck me as they spoke with their clunky intermediate-level skills about why we have people determine guidelines such as traffic rules and school attendance policies. It comes down to deciding how to keep society functioning and safe. To keep Anchorage open for business, we must do more to protect its citizens. I support a mask mandate and ask Mayor Bronson to do the same.

— Elizabeth Dick


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