Letters to the Editor

Letter: Costs of personal choices

Why is society paying for the cost of the personal choice of the unvaccinated? They drive up medical costs, overwhelm access to medical care, increase unemployment costs, force business shutdowns, force school closings, etc.

Personal choice and accountability must go hand in hand.Personal choice must bear the cost/burden of incremental medical insurance costs, define hospital admittance priority, forgo sick leave benefits, forgo any stimulus benefits, and incur any costs they burden society with. Just like car insurance, if you want to drive badly, you pay for it, not the rest of us.

It is way past time to change the economics of the virus. Those who drive the cost up, must pay for it. Do what you want, but the cost of your behavior must be borne by you, not on the rest of us. Your choice, your cost.

Time for accountability, not more lotteries.

— Stephen Loughlin


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