Letters to the Editor

Letter: Good move for Solid Waste Services

Not every decision made by the Bronson administration is a bad one. Take former Solid Waste Services director Mark Spafford.

I disagree with Eagle River resident Reese Cheney — who believes Anchorage lost an outstanding leader when Spafford quit (ADN Letters, Aug. 25). The only thing we lost is a rude and arrogant employee.

I’ve dealt with Spafford often over the last few years on issues relating to trash hauling and recycling. I found him to be contemptuous and snarly when questioned. That attitude extended to his department. My calls to SWS customer service often contained the same unfriendly rudeness and snarls in between loud huffs of displeasure. Then again, that discourteous attitude has become the norm when making calls to the municipality. It’s as if some city employees are put out by even having to answer the phone!  

I was stunned, in my last exchange with Spafford recently, to experience his condescension yet again, and had to check him for it. In summary, he dictated when I can contact the mayor’s office with concerns related to trash hauling.

Indeed, Spafford’s termination from the municipality was a necessary one.  But Judy Eledge as director of Anchorage libraries? Now, that’s a really bad Bronson decision.

— Andrée McLeod


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Andrée McLeod

Andrée McLeod moved to Alaska 35 years ago. She is a registered Republican who believes in the power of the citizen to keep politicians in line.