Letters to the Editor

Letter: Afghanistan was Bush administration’s fault

The situation in Afghanistan was caused by the U.S. when President George W. Bush decided to go to war in Afghanistan and the Congress authorized the use of military force. The vice president was Dick Cheney. The president’s Secretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld. Both were recommended by the president’s father. The Secretary of State was Colin Powell, a seasoned veteran of foreign affairs. One of the three advisors asked, “What is our exit strategy?” He was ignored, and once again America went to war for the wrong reason (remember Vietnam?). This was George W. Bush’s war. This was the Republican Party’s war. If you are upset about the outcome, do not blame Colin Powell. Blame George W. Bush and the Republican Party. And then ask yourself, “What can I learn from what I have watched happen?” We should have learned from Vietnam. I lost friends in that useless war. No one runs the world. No one should try to run the world. All that have tried have failed. And we failed again!

— Brett Delana


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