Letters to the Editor

Letter: Culture wars are dividing America

What is happening to our wonderful country? Maybe the Bible Scripture says it all in Isaiah 5:20, stating that in the future, “what is wrong will seem right, and what is right will seem wrong.” This seems evident in so many areas of our upside-down culture — certainly in our schools, at a time when school boards turn a deaf ear to parents’ concerns.  

Critical race theory, some say born from Marxism, is making inroads in schools. Why would Americans, and certainly free-thinking Alaskans, accept this, an obvious effort to divide us and brainwash upon our kids something that is not true? This craziness has spilled over on to major corporations such as Coca-Cola and even into training of our military. If we are not careful and just sit back and wring our hands over this, rather than actually stepping up and doing something about it, we will pay a price far more than we can imagine.  

This tax-funded white privilege nonsense is poisoning our society. America is not a racist country, just one that needs and deserves protection on occasion. This also holds true for Alaskans that require parents to speak up and hold school boards accountable. If they do not represent our values, replace them and do it quickly.  

— Frank Dahl


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