Letters to the Editor

Letter: Inhumane pandemic response

Someone please explain to me how our nation has become so hateful, selfish and ignorant, as we see in our daily responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.  People are demanding that our ice arena/exhibition center be emptied of the homeless and returned to its original purpose, so we can once again enjoy our sports and pleasures, even as the virus ramps up and winter approaches. Arrangements could be made to share ice with other groups as we work toward sustainable alternatives to the Sullivan Arena, and allow its continued shelter to these people this winter.

We also have the anti-vaxxers, who have been hornswoggled into believing that vaccines are bad for people. They forget that polio, smallpox, mumps and measles have been eradicated because of vaccines. Some hellish entity is selling the idea that vaccines make people sterile, that they cause autism and various other syndromes — all of which has been disproven.

The anti-maskers are yet another proof of our inhumanity. Yes, masks are pesky, and our gorgeous faces are being hidden. But the evidence is emerging that areas without mask mandates are producing more cases of COVID-19′s delta variant, much more contagious and more dangerous than the original virus. Using public health as a political tool is inexcusable — get your shots and put your masks on!

— Suzanne Miles

Eagle River

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