Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski a letdown

Lisa Murkowski has disappointed so many in her two decades supposedly representing us in Washington, D.C. She has opposed judges who would seek to interpret the Constitution as it is actually written, without a hidden agenda. She voted to allow transgender people to unfairly take part in women’s sports. She also supported Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior despite her words pretending to support resource development on public lands in Alaska. In doing so, she was instrumental in shutting down numerous Alaskan jobs. She is also an outspoken supporter of abortion, the merciless killing of unborn Americans that happens every day.The Alaska Republican Party recognized this traitorous lady was destroying our great state and rejected her. They voted that they didn’t want her to identify as a Republican candidate by an overwhelming majority and said we needed to get rid of her.

Kelly Tshibaka stood up to the plate. She is a stark contrast to Murkowski, as she is truly conservative, anti-abortion, pro-Second Amendment and pro-family. She will be one who will stand up to the Washington, D.C., insiders to do what is best for Alaska. She makes no apologies for being a conservative, and she has stated that her life is founded on her faith in God.

The choice is clear! If you want to continue to trash Alaska the same way Lisa Murkowski has been doing for the past 20 years, then vote for Murkowski. If you like the way that Joe Biden is decimating America, then vote for Washington, D.C., puppet Murkowski.

However, if you want to ensure Alaska remains a great place to raise our families and where the next generation of Alaskans can rise and prosper beyond those who came before them, then Kelly Tshibaka is your choice! If you want to stand for conservative values, if you believe in that “all men are created equal” whether in the womb or without, vote for Kelly on Nov. 8, 2022. We each have a vote; we must use that vote to save our state!

— Caleb Sklarz

North Pole

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