Letters to the Editor

Letter: Downtown summer

When I left the office on Friday evening, I was amazed by the energy in downtown! Lines of runners waiting outside Skinny Raven to begin the Twilight 12K. Outdoor seating in new places, and even new places I hadn’t heard of yet.

Blankets and people dotted across the museum lawn. Shops and galleries reminded people how much they missed First Fridays. Faces and voices from across the world strolling our sidewalks, smiles everywhere, enjoying the sun that would not be setting for hours yet. Probably some first dates; definitely also some first “date nights” in a long time. We’re only one week into June, and downtown is totally transformed from the past year: The events are back, the restaurants are back, the people are back. Downtown Anchorage is back!

Have you been to downtown lately? Don’t miss out on the fun!

— Anna Brawley


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