Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks to Sen. Murkowski

I am not a Republican — far from it — but I do support Sen. Lisa Murkowski and I believe she always has the best interests of Alaska and Alaskans at heart. I was one of those people who was angry when her father appointed her to the Senate, but over the years I have come to appreciate her thoughtful consideration of the issues, whether I agree with her conclusions or not. The Alaska GOP seems to care only that she marches to the beat of the party drum. Apparently she has a brain and a conscience, but they don’t believe she has a right to use them or that she has a responsibility to represent all Alaskans regardless of their party affiliation (much less those who have no party affiliation).

Alaska does not need Kelly Tshibaka in the U.S. Senate. She is a finger-in-the wind politician who jumps on hot-button issues just to use them to her personal political advantage. While Lisa Murkowski was addressing Alaskans from Washington, D.C., on that most solemn of days, Memorial Day, and millions of Americans were remembering those who gave their lives for our country, Kelly Tshibaka’s vitriolic attack on Sen. Murkowski appeared in the online version of the ADN.

I cringe at the thought of reading and hearing 18 more months of Tshibaka’s self-serving babble between now and the 2022 election. Donald Trump can campaign against Lisa Murkowski, and the Alaska GOP can censure her for doing the job she was elected to do, but I already know which candidate I’ll be voting for: Lisa Murkowski.

— Connie Nuss


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