Letters to the Editor

Letter: Supreme Court decisions

I saw in a recent commentary where Supreme Court decisions were referenced. I will take a moment and weigh in on this. The court has one primary function: interpret, defend and follow the Constitution.

On the 2020 election, upholding the decision to allow the Pennsylvania judiciary to usurp the Legislature is a 100% violation of said document. Going back a few years, nothing could have been more unconstitutional than ruling the Affordable Care Act to be upheld. Chief Justice John Roberts determined the penalty was a tax. I’m still trying to figure out where in the Constitution it says each person should be forced to take insurance.

That is not the worst part. I think a majority of Americans are against people being denied coverage when they are the most at need. How this looks in the real world is this: My friend fought breast cancer like a warrior princess. When it came time for her to obtain new insurance, yes, they offered it to her, but quadrupled her rates. This is one of many problems with the ACA: Although she was not denied, offering a rate which folks cannot afford is just the same game by a different name. Adding a layer of government bureaucracy in the private sector is always a bad idea. I am not going to rely on the the Supreme Court anytime soon.

— Brad Stiles


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