Letters to the Editor

Letter: Poor pandemic response

The way America has handled the COVID-19 epidemic is a disgrace; no other country has this poor a hold on the situation. Out of all the countries in the world, none have had as many cases and deaths. Many people will still go into public spaces, despite many warnings to stay home, but still people will go out for frivolous reasons, such as going to the mall or a movie theater. The school district even sends young children to crowded schools despite safer alternatives. But what’s even worse than all of that is how some governments are trying to send everyone back to work, completely ending the quarantine response in all but name.

Despite being a powerful and advanced country, America has the most deaths of any country by far with 594,000 dead, almost 200,000 more than the next highest country, Brazil, and twice as many as any other. With these kinds of numbers, it’s clear that America cares little for its citizens, because there is no other reasonable reason for so many deaths.

The number of people who still go to public places is astounding. Malls and movie theaters are open, and children are being sent back to school. These places are perfect locations for disease to spread: close proximity to other people for long amounts of time, narrow doorways where it’s impossible to stay six feet apart. Worst of all, in all of these places, people will take off their masks to eat. In malls, the food courts are still open, many people eat popcorn at movie theaters and students can’t study the whole day without eating. Despite all of these risks, people will still go to these dens of disease when safer alternatives still exist.

— Nathaniel Gross


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