Letters to the Editor

Letter: Treat this like a war

The land of milk and honey for many, the USA has struggled to defeat the COVID-19 virus. Better than some, not as well as many others.We have mobilized our tremendous resources and ingenuity to come up with the best of the best of the vaccines crucial to controlling the virus. The vaccines are the safest and simplest method of controlling this plague and returning our country to normalcy. We have rushed the vaccine to the most vulnerable and made great strides in making it available to most everyone.

There is only one small wrinkle to this exciting development: A large segment of the population is hesitant to take the vaccine. It really won’t work unless we all buy in.Isn’t this effort to fight the vaccine much like a battle in a war? Like war bonds and rationing in the World Wars, it takes everyone to pitch in to defeat the common enemy, COVID-19.

The longer we wait, the more time we give the enemy to regroup and attack us and our children. The sooner we are all involved in the solution, the quicker we can help the rest of the world defeat this terrible scourge. It will take us all making sacrifices, but we can do it.

— Brian Whittle


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