Letters to the Editor

Letter: Socialism

I am eagerly awaiting all those conservative Republican legislators decrying the “socialist” money being dispensed by the federal government. Why take the money? Won’t it taint the purity of the go-it-alone caucus? We see that this will fund the highway system for a year and a half, maybe. What happens next?

Our legislators are experts in “kicking the can down the road” while not really fixing the problem. Republican legislators are absolutely against actually having the people of the state pay their own way. Last I heard, the state gets far more money from the federal government than Alaskans contribute through taxes. The story of the rugged Alaskan making their own way without help or government is a myth.

Mat-Su residents rail against Anchorage and laugh at the measures that the Anchorage government put in place to protect its people. At the same time, Mat-Su commuters are endangering Anchorage people, because they can.

A mayoral candidate, in Anchorage, condemned government leaders as “idiots” for setting in place policies to keep people safe. Evidently, his philosophy is if something bad happens, you are on your own. Any bets on whether he got vaccinated?

— Jay Cross

Big Lake

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