Letters to the Editor

Letter: Do the work

Why are those complaining loudest about coronavirus restrictions the same people doing all they can do keep the virus spreading? If you don’t like masks and distancing, the best response is to use them anyway. To put those measures behind us, we need to do all we can to end the pandemic.Instead, the likes of Dave Bronson endlessly criticize the very steps that will give us all what we so badly want, an end to COVID-19. If the virus were susceptible to political hot air, the U.S. would have been virus-free long ago.

Can anyone really believe we’d have been better off if Bronson had been mayor this past year? Calling opponents “idiots” and ignoring the reality of a pathogen indifferent to human opinion is not leadership. Anchorage needs a mayor willing to do the hard work of governing, not the easy path of whining about those who are actually making tough decisions.

— Henry P. Huntington

Eagle River

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Henry Huntington

Henry P. Huntington directs the science work for The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Arctic programs. He is also an independent researcher who contributed to the Arctic Council’s Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment and has published widely on Arctic matters. He lives in Eagle River.