Letters to the Editor

Letter: COVID-19 politics

Dave Bronson’s campaign people were on the Lower Hillside this week. One of them told my 70-year-old neighbor that COVID-19 was no big deal. My neighbor’s wife is on oxygen and has been unable to leave her home for over a year because of COVID-19. It could kill her. It could also kill her husband. When my neighbor told the campaign worker that, she stated, “She should stay home.”

My neighbor was too polite to say what a stupid, insensitive thing that was to say. My friend has been home for more than a year. She used to be able to go places. If everyone wore a mask and got a vaccination, we could all return to a normal life.

Anchorage needs to vote for a mayor who is informed. Clearly, Dave Bronson is not able to understand science. If he cannot understand that a mask and a shot would go a long way to getting our economy and way of life back to normal, then he is not smart enough to run a first-class city such as Anchorage. Vote for Forrest Dunbar.

— Anita Thorne


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