Letters to the Editor

Letter: Supreme Court expansion

Republicans used every possible tactic to ensure that Donald Trump could appoint three members to the U.S. Supreme Court. These confirmations were nearly instantaneous.Now Republicans claim Democrats are trying to pack the Supreme Court. The process to increase the numbers on the court will involve a lot more than simply allowing Joe Biden to appoint four additional members to the Supreme Court.  

There are many possibilities as to the outcome of an increase in the numbers on the bench. Among those is the practicality that a change in the number could continue requiring nine members to hear a case. That would allow a member with a conflict of interest to be allowed to recuse themselves from a case. Currently, a recusal of one member puts the court into a potential tie.  

There is little doubt that right now the court is bogged down and cases take a long time to be heard. Justice delayed for years is not justice.  

— John Parker


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