Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t risk COVID-19

Bravo to Kim Akers for sharing her story and her support for COVID-19 vaccination despite reinfection. She is an example for all; get vaccinated and talk to everyone about vaccination. A total of 431 million people have already received these incredibly effective vaccines. While developed in record time, they are built on scientific principles dating back as far as 1796.

In contrast, everything known about COVID-19 was discovered over the past 18 months. One in six COVID-19 infections will cause severe illness, but even those with mild symptoms can still experience future health problems. One-third of those testing positive report lingering symptoms like fatigue, brain fog and loss of smell, which have been associated with depression and an overall reduced quality of life. Even more ominous, research has found heart or lung damage in otherwise healthy, young people with mild or even asymptomatic cases.

It is unclear if that organ damage will progress to complications like heart failure or lung disease, but another virus provides a cautionary lesson. Polio has been nearly eradicated worldwide thanks to an earlier generation’s willingness to be vaccinated. Unfortunately, some polio survivors developed new muscle deterioration decades after their initial recovery.

Don’t take a chance with the virus; the vaccine is the safer bet.

— Jennifer Harlos


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