Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski should do the right thing

Why doesn’t Lisa Murkowski do the right thing and declare herself an independent? The carpetbagging, Harvard-educated Kelly Tsibaka left Alaska sometime in the 1990s, graduated from college and worked in the Washington, D.C., federal bureaucracy from 2002 until she and her husband were offered a quarter of a million dollars per year to move to Alaska.

Ms. Tshibaka could/would have primaried Murkowski just as Joe Miller did in 2010 had the rules not changed. In 2022, wingnut Republicans can vote for Kelly Tshibaka and the rest of us can vote for Murkowski. I hope Al Gross runs again; if he doesn’t, I will vote for Murkowski and put up a driveway sign to boot.

And while I’m at it: In his recent op-ed (April 7), Tom Anderson complained income for low-skilled Americans has fallen in the past 20 years. Probably so. Why not increase the minimum wage to at least $15 an hour and enforce — really enforce — laws against employing so-called illegal immigrants? It would cost less and accomplish more of Mr. Anderson’s avowed goals — bolstering the income of low-skilled workers — than spending billions each year into the distant future in an absolutely futile attempt to block unauthorized immigration.

— James Johnston


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