Letters to the Editor

Letter: Move the capital

Are Alaska politicians scamming us? In a word, yes. The incompetence and inability of our elected officials to adhere to AS 24.05.150 and complete the work they were elected to do in 90 days is illegal!It shouldn’t take adults a month just to decide who among them should be leaders of the House or Senate. Nor should our legislative lawmakers waste their time, on our dollar, playing games with one off-the-wall extremist living in her own universe.

Alaskans have extremely limited access to our elected officials with the legislative body being hidden in Juneau. Maybe that’s by design — out of reach, out of accountability? So let’s blow off the 90-day session and skim some overtime from Alaskans while we get nothing accomplished.

It looks like the children running our state need direct oversight and supervision. The only way to accomplish improved productivity and accountability is to move the Legislature to one of the three more populated communities in the state — Anchorage, Wasilla or Fairbanks. This will allow a majority of Alaska’s population easier access and participation to our elected officials and be party to their process instead of allowing them to hide, stall, argue and once again accomplish nothing for the people of Alaska, while lining their pockets — especially with the billion-dollar federal aid package hitting before they can figure out their fiduciary responsibilities.

Alaska politics, especially from the state’s Republican Party of Trump, has been a joke in this state since 1964. That includes our U.S. senators and representative-for-life. Time to get smart, Democrats, independents and undeclared voters. Time to get progressive and smash the continual lies and scamming.

— Patrick Ozment


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