Letters to the Editor

Letter: Voter suppression

The United States was founded on the principles of universal freedom and the equality of all people. Just who gets freedom, equality and rights guaranteed by the Constitution has been continuously subject to great struggles since the inception of the country.

Currently, the Republican Party seems bent on continuing restrictions on individual freedoms. With loss of the 2020 presidential election and majority control of the Senate, the party stubbornly pursued false claims of voter fraud. Now, after belatedly accepting that it was simply outvoted, the Republican Party has not seen fit to broaden its appeal to voters.

Instead, the GOP in 43 states, including Alaska, is pursuing laws that will make it harder to vote, especially for disadvantaged groups. The proposed laws come with window dressing, but are at their core intended for voter suppression. This is at best undemocratic and even draconian, when one considers that a recently passed state law includes restriction on giving water to voters who must stand in line in the hot Georgia sun.

The United States benefits from a strong two-party system that works to provide effective government. The country does not benefit from a party that strays from the founding principles of our Constitution. Power struggles over voter suppression issues should be put behind us at long last.

— Duff Pfanner


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