Letters to the Editor

Letter: Equality, not equity

I have a daughter in seventh grade. I am an attorney. I also pursued a graduate degree in jurisprudence and social policy. Throughout my academic efforts, I have studied nearly every Enlightenment philosopher, read nearly every Federalist Paper, and studied American history through a legal history lens. As a result, I have a keen understanding of the principles upon which our country was founded. I also understand racism exists in the United States, that it is a deep stain, and that it needs to be fought on a daily basis by all of us. Financial resources and all other lawful forms of human capital must be committed to respond to our nation’s sins and create a country where there truly is equality in opportunity, where every child can grow up to become what he or she desires to be.

What the Anchorage School Board should not do, however, is misunderstand the difference between equality in opportunity and equity in result. Equality in opportunity, they should most definitely pursue with vigor. Requiring equity in result, however, violates our own Constitution, which is designed to foster individual rights, not group rights.

Do not reduce my child to an identity group. She is not. Nor will I do that to any other person’s child. Instead, I will respect them as equal, vibrant, amazing human beings. We share so much more in common than the differences an equity program attempts to promote. Out of misguided judgment, I greatly hope the school board does not make the mistake of thinking it is serving a greater good by implementing such a program. All it will do is divide, and we’ve had enough of that.

— Joan Nockels Wilson


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