Letters to the Editor

Letter: Get rid of DST

Why does the state of Alaska continue to remain under daylight saving time? It seems it does not serve any useful purpose.

First used back in the mid-1800s with the reasoning it would save energy and productivity, during World War I, daylight saving time was put into law to save energy. At war’s end, it was continued at the request of farmers for one reason or another. The most recent reason I’ve heard to continue its use here in Alaska is to not disrupt the tourist season/reservations, mainly those scheduled to visit on cruise ships.  

With this pandemic going on and travel in more or less in limbo, wouldn’t it be a good time for the state to put forth a proposal to the U.S. Department of Commerce to stop this madness?  

The state Legislature did work on a proposal, only to be defeated by the tourist industry, mainly because it would disrupt the cruise ship visitors to Southeast Alaska and visitors going to the area for fishing. From my point of view, DST does more harm than good, mainly to our health and students.

— Douglas Panilo


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