Letters to the Editor

Letter: Capitol riot

It is difficult for me let the assertions made by Greg Sarber in his March 5 letter go unchallenged. First off, the “independent special counsel” on election fraud established to investigate voter fraud in the 2016 election was mandated by Donald Trump in his first attempt to undermine voter confidence in our electoral system. Indeed, he was claiming there would be massive fraud before the election, when he surprisingly won.

As far as investigations into the 2020 elections, one despairs that even lack of concrete evidence, resulting in more than 60 lost lawsuits, a declaration by Trump’s ally and attorney general that there was a fair election, and a Supreme Court with three sitting Trump appointees that refused to even hear the case for lack of merit, will convince some people of the lies promulgated by unhinged news outlets and politicians pandering to Trump’s base.

Further, Mr. Sarber’s contention that Black Lives Matter protesters escaped arrest was blatantly false. According to Washington, D.C., police records, between May 30 and June 2, 427 people were arrested, five times more arrests than were made on Jan. 6. Forbes media — not exactly a left-wing outlet — estimated that more than 14,000 people have been arrested in Black Lives Matter protests nationwide.

I will agree with one point Mr Sarber made, that the storming of the Capitol is very similar to the paramilitary assaults on democracy made by the Nazi party in the 1930s. Let’s adopt a new slogan: Make America Think Again.

— Thomas E. Crowley


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