Letters to the Editor

Letter: An honest accounting

To talk about Donald Trump without angering the pro- or anti- sides, the devils on both sides must be given their due. Trump was, and still is, a wrecking ball. Was the “smashing” necessary to clear the way for moving on? The election showed the majority of Americans view the negative fallout as being greater than any positive side effects that may have emerged from Trump’s wreckage. Maybe Trump worshippers and those who demonize him should make scorecards to refer to, with categories like Promises, Accomplishments, Failures, Reality and Fallout.

Take for example, the “wall;” promises were made of catching the “bad hombres” and Mexico paying the building costs. Accomplishments turned out to be half-built structures, the re-fortifying of some already in-place barriers, failing fences, environmental damage, a great expense of time, materials, manpower and money, and a lot of incarcerated women and children. Failures would have to include few “bad hombres” rounded up and no Mexico footing the bill. Fallout: exposing America’s vulnerability by encouraging isolationism.

Wishful thinking seems to be that Trump’s America can be “just like Israel” with a nice barrier wall to keep “lesser people” out. However, a substantial portion of Israel’s wall and military are paid for by American taxpayers. And the Palestinians, unlike bad hombres, are almost unarmed in comparison with Israel’s massive forces. The length of America’s southern border precludes a physical wall from end to end. On just this one issue, my Trump report card would be skewing toward a failing F grade.  

There are many other issues that deserve report card scrutiny. Perhaps both sides need to keep personal score cards to help create more rational mindsets and lessen the division madness.  

— Ken Green

Cooper Landing

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