Letters to the Editor

Letter: Corrosive misinformation

Our governor’s recent letter to Sen. Lora Reinbold admonishing her for trafficking in lies and conspiracy theories was past due. He must have finally recognize the corrosive result of people in power that are disconnected from reality and peddling subversion.

Interestingly, if Gov. Mike Dunleavy changed just a couple minor references, he could have written the same letter, rejecting dangerous misinformation and lies, but directed it instead to his pal Donald Trump. Punching down is easy indeed.

Make no mistake, Reinbold is simply a product of what Dunleavy and many other conservatives have normalized. Sadly, the letter is too late. There now exists a keen constituency for misinformation by cranks and lunatics. President Trump still leads that parade, a parade that both Reinbold and Dunleavy cheered on at every turn. But the governor is finding out that it’s hard to actually govern while swimming in that soup. Perhaps, on reflection, the events will make a lasting impression on him.

— Bob Lacher


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