Letters to the Editor

Letter: Un-American statements

Political stances aren’t only right or left, red or blue. Some things transcend those divisions — among them are threatening to kill our political leaders, such as the vice president and speaker of the House. Can’t we agree that is an abomination and an antithesis of the words of the preamble of our Constitution? The very document with which violent extremists cloak themselves states that we the people will establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare, along with the other tenets.

How can anyone who has taken the U.S. oath of office allow a sitting congresswoman to remain in office when she advocated murder, exhibited social mannerisms of a terrorist, and made a mockery of swearing on a Bible to uphold our Constitution? And how can people excuse or ignore her actions and behavior and still think we live in the greatest nation on Earth?

This isn’t about the 2022 elections. Our republic will not survive the hegemony of maniacal demagogues. Everyone who was forced to shelter in the Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6 should demand the ouster of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is un-American.

— Andrea Jacobson


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