Letters to the Editor

Letter: For what it’s worth

Seems like I was just a kid when we fell in love. In the mornings, we held hands and were inseparable at restaurants, stores and elevators. In my downward gaze, your bright screen always shone back. I was showered with endless “likes,” and “wows,” and “cares.”

But years later, the betrayal came. Yeah, I found the texts. You didn’t have a soul after all, just a mathematical equation, an algorithm. Our precious “engagement” was sold off to the highest bidder, along with my personal movements, secrets and photos. A diamond ring would have been far cheaper.With uncanny precision, you gifted me news and videos. At first, just puppies and gardens. Then came politics, conspiracies and the worst elements of humanity. All to increase our screen time together. I dumped old friends to protect myself from the disagreement and stress. They all did the same. None of us talk anymore.

And now old friends are strangers, beating one another with American flags. Radicalized mobs screaming, insurrection, voter fraud, antifa and Dominion! All sides certain they’re right. They have the evidence, it’s in their news feed.

I used to think Buffalo Springfield had it right when they sang, “Nobody’s right, if everybody’s wrong.” Today, for what it’s worth, “Everyone’s right, and everyone else is the enemy.”

Breakups aren’t easy, but social media, it’s over. Please don’t share, like or subscribe. I won’t be reading the comments.

— Daniel Thompson


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