Letters to the Editor

Letter: Equal rights can’t wait

Jan. 27 marked the one-year anniversary of Virginia becoming the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. The ERA has now satisfied all the requirements set forth in the Constitution. The Department of Justice has taken the position it is not valid today because of a seven-year time limit that Congress inserted in the joint resolution when it proposed the ERA back in 1972. Congress can resolve the question by voting to change the joint resolution, removing the time limit.

The ERA will make it clear that sex discrimination in employment, education or any other space is a violation of women’s constitutional rights as Americans. It will also provide a clearer and stricter judicial standard for deciding cases of sex discrimination.The Zonta Club of Anchorage is a member of Zonta International, a leading global organization empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. We strongly endorse the bipartisan effort championed by Sen. Lisa Murkowski to delete the time limit from the 1972 joint resolution to pave the way for the ERA to become law.

Thank you, Sen. Murkowski, for your continued efforts on this very important issue.

— Pat Jarrett

President, Zonta Club of Anchorage


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