Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski’s bravery

As a former Republican, I am proud that Sen. Lisa Murkowski transcended party and stood up for what is right. In our democracy, no one stands above the law. Donald Trump’s words incited insurrection and the fringe thugs — who have attached to Trump’s Republican branch — destroyed property, caused deaths, defiled our Capitol, terrorized our Congress with death threats, terrified our young people working for Congress, threatened to hang the vice president and terrified maintenance workers who proudly care for our Capitol. In a democracy, we cannot condone this potentially dangerous precedent by allowing our president to incite riots because he “feels he’s been cheated.” With all the billionaire resources at his disposal, Trump could not manipulate the election results to prove he had won, and staging a coup to block election certification broke the law — Trump must be held accountable.

Murkowski’s analysis of Trump’s lawlessness, and request for resignation showed that she is a courageous, principled Republican — her action does not make her a Democrat. In contrast to her is Ohio-grown Sen. Dan Sullivan, who simply marches to the party majority. Had enough Congress members had the courage to request resignation, then maybe impeachment would not be necessary. It appears that Jan. 6 so terrorized Rep. Don Young that he could not show up for the impeachment hearing and used a proxy representative to cast his vote. Trump must be held accountable — hopefully senators can “man up” to support impeachment. Our democracy, once admired by the world, must be repaired after Trump’s insurrection attempts, and it is courageous politicians like Lisa who will lead us to restore democracy.

— Marty Margeson


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