Letters to the Editor

Letter: Irresponsible

It has been reported in the ADN that Alaska politicians attended the violent Jan. 6 protest in Washington, D.C., an event that a recent editorial in your newspaper condemned. To add insult to injury, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has weighed in on the event, claiming that those who beat police officers, destroyed federal government property and occupied and looted the offices of national legislators, were members of anti-fascist groups — a claim that was a total lie from its inception.

Is Alaska an unrepentant refuge for political rabble-rousers or elites who knowingly share misinformation about other Americans, and who unabashedly support violence against their own government in order to garner publicity?

In my view, Alaska politicians who attended the Jan. 6 rally and rampage at the U.S. Capitol should be held to account. Sarah Palin should consider the damage she creates in our society when she shares unhinged conspiracy theories and falsehoods.

— Steve Johnson


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