Letters to the Editor

Letter: Election doubters

I totally fail to understand the blind faith so many of us are using to protest the results of the presidential election. It is like a bunch of lemmings jumping off a cliff, like some kind of cult!Yes, there were some inconsistencies and irregularities along the way, but literally hundreds of election officials, judges and courts have declared there was nothing that major that would have invalidated the election. How about 2016, when Hillary Clinton got more of the popular vote than Donald Trump, but he won due to the electoral college rules. Where were all of these doubters then?

Jay Hammond told me many years ago: “The American system of democratic government is the very worst system in the entire world, except for all the rest!”

I, for one, am very proud to be an American and support our Constitution and laws, with ongoing, necessary revisions, just as they are.

— Orin Seybert


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