Letters to the Editor

Letter: Profound commentary

Christy NaMee Eriksen’s commentary, “You’re very special,” (Jan. 8) had a profound effect on me. I was astounded by Ms. Eriksen’s ability to help me feel the fear so many people feel every day for simply being a person of color. It was the kind of fear I only experience in bear country; I can barely relate to the stress and horror of feeling that way much of the time.  

Startled when I read that she wanted to be “more like them” (white nationalists), I wept when she explained why: to be cherished, to be loved, to be considered “very special,” precious, to be seen, to be believed, to matter. And what an outrage that our president directed such attention to folks caught up in his delusion who were violently seeking to overturn an election and invade our capitol.  

Ms. Eriksen’s commentary propelled me suddenly to an understanding of white privilege like nothing else I’ve read or been told, and for that I’m extremely grateful. I feel tremendous sadness and deep compassion for Ms. Eriksen’s closing paragraphs: “Trump looked our country in the eye and said, ‘I know your pain; I know you’re hurt,’ and, had he been talking to all of us, he would have been right. Moments later, President-elect Joe Biden looked our country in the eye and said, ‘America is about honor, decency, respect, tolerance. That’s who we are, that’s who we’ve always been.’ And he was talking to us, but he was wrong.”  

Thank you, Ms. Eriksen, for calling our attention to the many layers, the real depth of our despair.

— Sheila Lankford


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