Letters to the Editor

Letter: Power at all costs

What’s with the GOP and the insatiable desire for power at all costs? Their actions remind me of a woman I once worked with who repeatedly told a story in staff meetings where in a previous position, she was instructed to fire a group of employees on Christmas Eve. The glee in her eyes, coupled with nervous laughter, could not contain this hunger for power devoid of all human compassion.

The actions of our nation’s GOP seem to have the same inherent lack of shame and even glee for obtaining power at all costs. Unfortunately, they lack an understanding of what real power is and how it is obtained. In 2017, Rev. Raphael Warnock, along with a few other pastors, went down on bended knee to pray in the Capitol rotunda. Capitol Police handcuffed and arrested Rev. Warnock and the other clergy as they prayed and calmly sang hymns of praise.

Four years later, Rev. Warnock is now Sen. Warnock (D) from the great state of Georgia, beating out incumbent David Perdue. Let’s hope that someday, the GOP will figure out that sustained, beneficial power comes when relinquishing it on bended knee.

— Debra Riner


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