Letters to the Editor

Letter: No casino needed

In a letter on Dec. 1, Frank Rast suggested that the Municipality of Anchorage sell the Egan Center to the Native Village of Eklutna to make the property a reservation so they could open a casino downtown. We hope his suggestion was in jest, but on the chance it was not, the Anchorage Chapter of the Alaska Peace Officers Association, or APOA, Board of Directors would like to say that we believe there is nothing wrong with the status quo of charitable gaming in Alaska.

Those who wish to play games of chance are afforded that opportunity in a regulated environment that is absent the noise level, volume of alcohol consumption, and higher stakes. The availability of gambling has always been alluring for some, and often it is those who can least afford it that are prone to lose the most. When the stakes are higher, the damage is greater to those who can ill afford the losses.

As a nonprofit organization that provides training and networking to our law enforcement members statewide, APOA is grateful to the state for providing an avenue for nonprofit organizations to benefit from bingo and other games currently operated by various gaming operators around the state. Our relationship with our gaming permit holder, Tudor Bingo Center, has been nothing but outstanding for the APOA for more than 17 years. We have received hundreds of thousands of dollars that have translated into invaluable training opportunities for officers across the state, youth programs, scholarships and donations to other nonprofit organizations. The creation of a casino would not serve the charitable programs of non-profit organizations.

— Andrea Jacobson

Board Member, Anchorage Alaska Peace Officers Association


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