Letters to the Editor

Letter: Call for a mask mandate

Like President Donald Trump, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s failure to impose a statewide mandatory mask mandate, stricter limits on the size of social and religious gatherings, and the closure of bars have resulted in the needless deaths of vulnerable Americans.

A simple survey of states and countries that have enacted these precautionary measures clearly demonstrates their effectiveness in controlling the virus.

Like Trump, Dunleavy should go. If you have not signed the recall petition, now is the time to do so. Lives are at stake.

The ADN needs to join Dermot Cole in calling Gov. Dunleavy to task. Its inaction is furthering this catastrophe. ADN’s editorial board should act as the fourth estate and support prevention measures to protect the health of Alaskans and demand that Dunleavy do what common sense dictates. Failing to do so is a dereliction of its duty. History shall be the judge.

— Glenn Olson


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