Letters to the Editor

Letter: Love your dog, scoop its poop

I volunteer to keep Creekside Park clean year-round. We have seen a tremendous reduction this year in trash in the park and on school grounds. Thank you to all for working toward this goal.

However, right after Thanksgiving, over the course of four days, I picked up more than 70 piles of dog poop, not including those from my own dog. In less than a 24-hour period that week, I picked up 26 piles. I have recently seen two visitors to the park who never pick up after their dogs, and it is so discouraging when there are so many dog owners who do take responsibility.

I try to get out before the wonderful park maintenance folks clear our bike paths to be sure all the dog poop doesn’t get buried, but I am getting discouraged this year and considering not cleaning up after the irresponsible owners. It won’t take long before a walk in the park is something you avoid rather than enjoy.

So this year, this is my early plea to start taking care of your park too so we can all enjoy a winter wonderland. Love your dog, love your park. Thank you to the many responsible dog owners — your efforts are so appreciated.

Mary M. Cocklin


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