Letters to the Editor

Letter: Peas in a pod

Sen. Lora Reinbold just unfriended me from her Facebook account and deleted my posts. Never happened to me before. First thing I did was call my sister in Pennsylvania and we had a good laugh. Then I learned that Lora attended Oral Roberts University and some things started making sense. And it triggered an old memory.

I remembered when I heard that the evangelist Oral Roberts had locked himself in the church tower and threatened that the Lord would call him home if his followers didn’t cough up a huge sum of money. I knew just what I had to do. I sent him a dime. And I got an acknowledgement in the mail with a receipt for 10 cents. Then I noticed the 37-cent stamp on the envelope!

Thank you, Lora and Oral, for a good laugh during these dark COVID-19 times.

— William M. Cox


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