Letters to the Editor

Letter: Making America better

The 2020 election results are in. Some people are happy and some are not. That’s how our system works. But no matter how you voted, there are a lot of things to be grateful for. I thank all the election workers, poll workers, ballot counters and everyone else who made the system work so voters could exercise their rights and be heard. I thank all the volunteers and campaign staffers who helped the candidates make their cases so we could choose the people who will serve us. I thank the candidates who worked hard to connect with voters. And, of course, I thank the voters, who took the time to educate themselves on the choices and followed though. I am excited that so many voters participated in the process this year.

May this be the start of a majority of voters taking part in our democratic process. May this be the beginning of Americans pulling together and creating a less divided community. May this be the creation of a new group of representatives who care about all their constituents. All of those things will make our country stronger in the future, and move us closer to “a perfect union.”

— Cheryl Lovegreen


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