Letters to the Editor

Letter: Words have consequences

As a longtime Eagle River resident living in State Senate District G, I was appalled at the reprehensible behavior of our Sen. Lora Reinbold on a recent Alaska Airlines flight. However, far more concerning to me was her public statement advocating that travelers coming to Alaska “sneak past” the airport-based COVID-19 screening process.

Here we have a currently-serving Alaska state senator, elected to represent and support Alaska residents as we fight this potentially deadly battle for the health and safety of our family, friends and neighbors, including front-line medical workers, encouraging visitors to circumvent the one safety net we have available to slow the spread of this virus at a time when our statewide caseloads are skyrocketing.

All elected officials should be held accountable for their words and actions during this pandemic, and Lora Reinbold has failed miserably in her handling of her basic and fundamental responsibilities and duties of an Alaska state senator. Words and actions do have consequences in our community!

Steve Wright

Eagle River

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