Letters to the Editor

Letter: Poor leadership

It seems that Sen. Lora Reinbold is confusing civil rights, with lack of common courtesy. Sen. Reinbold obviously believes that an individual’s civil rights gives them the right to put everyone else at risk. Wearing a mask in public is not denying the wearer of their civil rights, it shows they are respectful of those around them. Wearing a mask shows that you care for someone other than just yourself. Apparently, Sen. Reinbold only cares for herself.

It seems that Sen. Lora Reinbold also believes businesses do not have any rights, civil or otherwise. She believes businesses do not have the right to follow Centers for Disease Control and Alaska health officials’ strong recommendation to wear masks in confined public spaces, especially when it infringes on her “civil right” to show lack of courtesy.

By the way, Alaska Airlines’ planes are private property. Private businesses have the right to require guests follow CDC and state health recommendations. Sen. Reinbold, as a guest, has the right to accept and follow the private businesses’ requirement or to choose not to enter the private businesses’ property.

It seems that Sen. Lora Reinbold is confusing businesses with giving medical advice without a license when they mandate guests follow CDC and state health recommendations and require guests to wear masks on their property.

It is extremely poor leadership for Sen. Lora Reinbold to express that her “civil right” to be discourteous and degrading trumps the civil rights of others who want to protect their employees and guests.

Cliff Baker


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